Shared Elements

The Shared Elements page in EasyPageGO allows you to configure a variety of settings that will be consistently applied across your website. These configurations ensure a cohesive look and functionality throughout your site and affect both the user interface and the generated files.

General Metadata

These settings help define your website's identity and are used across different components:

  • Website Name: This name appears in the user interface and is included in essential files such as manifest.json and site.webmanifest. It represents your website's identity both visually and programmatically.
  • Base URL: The base URL is crucial for linking and sitemap generation. It establishes the fundamental URL structure used throughout your site, ensuring consistency in links and resources.
  • Logo: Your website's logo is prominently displayed in the header, contributing to brand recognition and visual appeal.
  • Icon: Optionally, you can include an icon that will be shown in the header and used to generate favicons.
  • Meta Description: This description serves as a fallback for pages that do not have a custom meta description set. It provides a general overview of your site’s content, enhancing search engine visibility and click-through rates.

External Linking

Configure key links to guide your users and drive actions:

  • Primary Link: Set up a call-to-action (CTA) with a clear label and href. This link is typically used for directing users to your product’s main entry point, such as your landing page or signup page. It is prominently displayed in the header, even on mobile viewports, to attract attention.
  • Secondary Link: Provide an additional link or button that encourages users to take further action, such as "Learn More" or "Read More." This link supports your primary CTA and provides more options for user engagement.


Add social media links to connect with your audience:

  • GitHub
  • X
  • Slack
  • Discord

These links appear in the footer of each page, allowing users to easily follow or interact with your social media channels. They are all optional.


Customize the appearance of your code blocks:

  • Code Block Themes: Select highlighting themes for both light and dark modes. This ensures that your code snippets are displayed in a style that complements the overall design of your documentation.

By configuring these shared elements, you can ensure that your website maintains a consistent and professional appearance while providing a seamless user experience.