Computed Elements

In EasyPageGO, certain elements across your documentation are standardized and computed automatically. These computed elements are essential components that appear consistently throughout your site and are generated based on the content you provide. This setup allows you to focus entirely on creating your content, while EasyPageGO takes care of the layout and functionality.

The final output build of your EasyPageGO website includes a powerful built-in search feature. This tool provides users with a flexible and efficient way to search across all pages of your site. The search functionality is designed to be smooth and performant across all device sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience. Notably, this search feature operates entirely offline, meaning that the built website is self-contained and doesn’t require a running server to function.

Table of Contents

As you write content in the Editor, a Table of Contents (ToC) is automatically generated. Located on the right side of the Editor, this ToC lists all the titles in a nested format. Users can click on these titles to smoothly scroll to different sections of the page. The ToC also highlights the currently viewed section to enhance navigation and readability.

Pages Menu

The Pages Menu appears on the left side of your site and provides an intuitive navigation system. It reflects the hierarchical structure of your pages, showing parent and child relationships clearly. This menu is dynamically generated based on the organization you set up in the "Pages" section, allowing users to navigate through your documentation effortlessly.

Prev and Next Page Buttons

At the footer of each page, Prev and Next Page Buttons are included. These buttons enable users to navigate smoothly between consecutive pages, respecting the hierarchical structure you’ve defined. This feature ensures a fluid reading experience, guiding users through your content with ease.