Website Structure

In EasyPageGO, you have full control over your website’s structure, enabling you to organize your content to best suit your needs. The structure is based on a hierarchical model with a root page at its core.

Root Page

Every EasyPageGO website starts with a root page, which cannot be removed. This page serves as the main entry point for your site and is essential for maintaining the overall structure.

Child Pages

All other pages in your website are child pages of the root page. This hierarchical organization helps create a clear and logical flow for your content.

Managing Pages

From the "Pages" section of your EasyPageGO dashboard, you can easily manage your website’s pages. Select a page to access the following operations:

Add Page Under <selected_page>

Create a new page as a child of the selected page. A modal will appear, prompting you to enter the name of the new page and the pathname chunk relative to the selected page. By default, the pathname chunk is synchronized with the page name and automatically slugified.

Move After <sibling_page>

Swap the selected page with the next sibling page in the hierarchy.

Move Before <sibling_page>

Swap the selected page with the sibling page that comes before it.

Move Inside of <list of siblings>

Move the selected page, along with its descendants, into one of its sibling pages, making it a child of that sibling.

Move Outside of <parent_page>

Change the selected page to a sibling of its parent page, effectively adjusting its position in the hierarchy.

Automatic Saving

All page operations are automatically saved, ensuring your changes are preserved without needing manual saving. This feature allows you to focus on building and organizing your content without worrying about losing progress.

Understanding Pathnames

In EasyPageGO, the pathname defines the URL structure of your website. When creating new pages, you provide a portion of the pathname called the pathname chunk. The rest of the pathname is computed based on the page’s position in the hierarchy.

For example:

  • If you have a page with the pathname /sdk and create a child page named JavaScript with the pathname chunk javascript, the resulting pathname would be /sdk/javascript.
  • If you then add a page named Guides under /sdk with the pathname chunk guides, and move JavaScript into Guides, the pathname will automatically update to /sdk/guides/javascript. Any internal links will remain intact.
Relevant Pathname Chunk

Simplify the page creation process by concentrating only on the relevant chunk of the pathname. This streamlined approach makes it easier to organize and add new pages efficiently.

Slugification and Computation

EasyPageGO automatically handles slugification and pathname computation, ensuring a consistent and SEO-friendly URL structure across your website. This automation reduces manual effort and keeps URLs neat and uniform.

SEO Optimization

Well-structured pathnames not only improve search engine visibility but also enhance the overall user experience. Clear and logical URLs make it easier for both users and search engines to navigate and understand your content.